Anya Bio

Because she work on so many long-term projects, Anya is able to provide concierge and consulting services that buyers can utilize long after they have closed on a property, and sellers can utilize years before they decide to put their home on the market. She has project-managed renovations, overseen new construction, consulted on interior design and landscape planning and has a healthy network of service professionals who help her and her clients with anything from mortgages to lighting design.

From movers to stonemasons to structural engineers to caterers, her virtual rolodex consists of professionals whom she have personally vetted and who give her clients top priority and most competitive rates. A native of Moscow, Anya spent her childhood in New York City, has an early background in the performing arts, graduated from the College of William & Mary and is a grateful parent of two – a daughter at The University of Virginia and a son in middle school. Through her children and community, Anya has gotten to know virtually every school/camp/dentist/athletic league in the area, and the multitude of cultural and athletic organizations that make Thomas Jefferson’s city such a unique community.